Down and out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Down and out
Other :
Down and out synonyms
bankrupt vagrant defeated outcast insolvent derelict beaten broke broken destitute finished impoverished in the red penniless ruined beggared in the gutter in the poorhouse moneyless on the skids out of funds pessimistic morose despondent sad blue destroyed dispirited dejected weeping bad crestfallen crummy disconsolate down in the mouth downcast downhearted fed up glum grim let down low-spirited lugubrious moody sob story spiritless woebegone ripped bleeding hurting dragged bummed out cast-down down in the dumps in a blue funk in pain in the pits in the toilet low-down on a downer taken down torn up lonely pathetic oppressed deserted desolate desperate miserable helpless pitiful abandoned alone bereft cheerless cynical defenseless despairing dragging forgotten forsaken friendless fruitless futile godforsaken lonesome lost solitary tragic vain comfortless pitiable weighed down hard up impecunious penurious busted flat broke in want dead done for down the drain out of business all washed up belly-up burned out cooked down for the count down the tubes floored had it nonfunctioning out of circulation sunk totaled wiped out gloomy disheartened singing the blues pensive somber wistful trite mournful sorrowful downbeat dismal doleful dolorous droopy funereal heavyhearted joyless lachrymose sorry wet blanket woeful moony in blue funk mirthless saddened saddening handicapped deprived disadvantaged hapless ill-fated unfortunate unlucky badly off ill-starred in dire straits in need troubled bleak dreary oppressive put away teary let-down long-faced humiliated shamed degraded discharged abject downtrodden mocked defrocked dishonored demoted in disgrace tarred and feathered dull dysphoric dependent suppliant mendicant guttersnipe alms person poor person poverty-stricken person ward of state displaced itinerant refugee wandering unsettled unwelcome dispossessed banished deported disinherited estranged exiled houseless uncared-for unhoused without a roof dead broke dirt poor down at heel down to last cent unprosperous supplicant lazarus almsperson homeless person meager scanty suffering bad off reduced strapped behind eight ball empty-handed fortuneless pauperized pinched stone broke truly needy distressed short stranded wanting needful impencunious in dire circumstances in great need financially poor miserably poor unmoneyed bag lady displaced person drifter hobo wino bag person shopping-bag lady shopping-bag person panhandler wanderer loafer hitchhiker floater stray fly-by-night rambling peripatetic transient moving wayfaring roaming roving idle prodigal aimless errant fancy-free footloose migratory nomadic shiftless wayward strolling journeying travelling drifting itinerate rootless straggling shifting sauntering perambulant perambulatory despicable hopeless deplorable afflicted base calamitous cheap contemptible faulty flimsy inferior mean paltry shabby shameful sordid weak worthless inadequate cadger almsman almswoman on one's uppers
Down and out antonyms
solvent wealthy well-to-do rich cheerful glad fortunate lucky joyous encouraged satisfied bulging convex flourishing optimistic happy gay decent heartened above comforted unburdened pushed up raised blessed prosperous worthwhile elated joyful pleased hopeful populated secure consolable affluent increased honest honorable moral healthy high tall elevated prominent respectable upright strong bright sunny privileged timely honored restored in favor settled adequate sufficient fertile potent full superior great tiptoeing permanent unmoving fixed inhabiting worthy encouraging excellent good nice luxurious
Usage of Down and out in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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